The Art House
Farnham, Surrey
Picture Restoration
since 1980
Nick Seversway
Nick Seversway
Picture Restoration
The Art House
83 Heath Lane Upper Hale Farnham
Tel: 07954693191
Nick Seversway has been a picture restorer since 1980. During these years I have worked on paintings owned by the London Guildhall and The City of London Livery Companies as well as the Army, churches and private collectors.
I work at home in a peaceful, purpose built studio. The atmosphere of The Art House is relaxed and welcoming. I am happy to give my professional opinion to anyone who may have some art work that needs attention. I work on the basis that conservation is more important than restoration and the methods used should be reversible and unobtrusive.
Fig 1
Fig 2
French Classical Genre painting.
Diana and her attendants.
This painting was heavily overpainted and crudely filled. It had been patched on many occasions Fig3. These were removed prior the lining.
There were at least four different hands that had 'restored' the painting.
In order to bring the original back to life all the old overpaint, filler, dirt and varnish was removed. Beneath this, the original painting was badly damaged. Fig4/6
The drawing had been altered and the colours modified Fig4/5.
Fig 6 shows some of the old damages that the painting had suffered.
Each restoration had worked on top of the other so that the original gradually was distorted.
There were weaknesses in the original but I felt it was better to show them as the artist intended rather than try to 'improve'
the drawing.
After cleaning the damages were filled and retouched. The paint loses were retouched until the painting finally became whole again. Fig7/8
Fig 4
Fig 6
Fig 5
Fig 8
fig 7
Nick Seversway
Picture Restoration
The Art House
83 Heath Lane
Upper Hale
Tel: 07954693191